What is Electromuscular Stimulation (EMS)??
What is EMS? We often get asked ...What exactly is EMS and what is it used for?? Here is our brief summary of Electromuscular Stimulation (or EMS) and how it may help you. EMS has been used widely to treat muscular injuries. It works by sending electronic pulses to the muscle needing treatment. We often use the EMS in the clinic to facilitate muscle activation of weakened muscles and suggest patients have this machine at home to speed up their recovery. EMS is useful for Relaxation of muscle spasms Prevention or limiting of atrophy through disuse Increase local blood circulation...
- Tags: back pain, Electromuscularstimulation, EMS, kneeinjury, neck pain relief, Neck pain treatment, sports injury recovery, sportsinjuryrecovery, TENS
How to lift weights safely
Want to lift like the Olympic lifters?How do I do it and how can I avoid injury? Have you being watching the Olympics? Then you have likely seen the Olympic weight lifting. Whilst Crossfit and Olympic lifting are becoming increasingly popular as part of an exercise regime, injuries associated with these activities are also increasing. It is important to check with your Physiotherapist before you start Crossfit or Olympic lifting to ensure you are physically ready and able. The deadlift is one of the most common exercises and here we will go through correct technique, common faults, causes of...
- Tags: Back injury prevention, back pain, backinjuryprevention, crossfit, Deadlift, Inury, lift weights safely, Rackpulls, Romanian Deadlifts, Romaniandeadlifts, sports injury recovery, sportsinjuryrecovery, weightlifting