How bad is my ankle sprain?
Classification System:
There is a three point classification system used to determine the severity of ligament sprains.
Grade 1 sprain:
A few stretched fibres but clinical testing reveals normal range of motion when stressing the ligament.
Grade 2 sprain:
A considerable tear of the ligament fibres. May show increased laxity on ligament testing but has a definite end point.
Grade 3 sprain:
A complete rupture of the ligament with laxity and no end point on ligament testing.
How to treat an ankle sprain?
Initial management
The initial management or during the acute stage of ankle sprains the RICE principle is followed.
Rest,Ice,Compression and Elevation. These strategies help to limit the bleeding and subsequent swelling that would otherwise occur, restricting joint range of motion and increasing pain. These principles should be followed for up to 72hrs post injury where bleeding is still likely to occur.
Wherever possible limit the activity of the ankle and rest as much as possible. The use of crutches may also be indicated if there extreme pain when putting weight through your foot when walking.
Use immediately after injury. You can use crushed ice wrapped in a damp cloth, reusable frozen gel pack or immersion in bucket filled with ice and water. Apply the ice pack for approximately 15minutes every 1-2 hours.
Apply a firm but not constricting bandage around your ankle. Start near your toes and work your way up your ankle. Each layer of the bandage should be overlapped by a ½ every time. Finish the bandage a third of the way up your shin.
Raise your ankle above heart level on a couple of pillows for 15minutes at a time. Elevation can be effective if used in conjunction with ice.
Be prepared to treat sprains quickly to reduce pain, swelling and recovery time. Have an Ice Wrap Pro on hand at home, in your sports bag or in the care to apply first aid fast!
For 25 years Australian Physiotherapist, Patrick Cruice, has been using ice wraps for injured patients in the clinic, hospital and on the sporting field.
Fed up with the quality, problems with fit and ability to mould to injured area effectively he created his own unique design compressive wrap! The compressive wrap he designed – the Ice Wrap Pro - provides the best benefits of compressive cold therapy for all body parts with a unique design to maximise the skin contact.
The Ice Wrap Pro:
- Is Reusable
- Fits multiple body sites and body sizes
- Can be used for hot or cold therapy
- Attaches securely to you so you can move around if you need to whilst still getting the maximum benefit of the Ice Wrap Pro
- Comes in a handy zipped cloth bag for storage and is easy to slip into your sports bag just in case it is needed.
- Will fit the whole family – fully adjustable
- Unique design enables maximum skin contact for maximum effectiveness
- Easy to use
- Has a removable ice/heat bag for general use
Use it over and over again – great to have on hand at home or sports fields to make sure you recover as fast as possible.